Inayah Ansari. “What’s Next: How DYCD Can Maintain Adequate Funding Without the American Recovery Plan”
Kelly Brady. A Brilliant Collection of Minds, 3.8.22
Presentation: A Brilliant Collection of Minds, 3.8.22
Jacqueline De La Cruz. “Making the Connection between Education and the Labor Market: A Case for Work-Based Learning for New York City’s Public High School Students”
Joliette Mandel. “Equitable Assessment for Elementary-Aged Dual Language Learners”
Presentation “Equitable Assessment for Elementary-Aged Dual Language Learner”
Shobita Mampilly. “ChemForAll: Radicalizing STEM Career Access Through Transformative 5-12+ Chemistry Curriculum”
Sunisa Nuonsy. “The Transformative Language Education Center: Equity for Multilingual Learners at CUNY”
Elena Romero. “Make Room for Middle School: The Need for a New D15 6-8 School in Sunset Park”
Presentation “Make Room for Middle School: The Need for a New D15 6-8 School in Sunset Park”
Juiet Young. “Action Equity and Innovation in Action Civics Projects for New York State’s Civic Readiness Initiative”